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Ascending from the old 3D Earth illusion to the New 5D Earth Reality. 


Over the last few years, many people have reported huge changes to their lives and experiencing a spiritual awakening. In my experience the spiritual awakening involved moving from one reality to a completely new one. This spiritual experience involved many challenges and changes but ultimately led to seeing the world in a completely different way. The pandemic of 2020 changed everyone's lives and we were all collectively faced with many unexpected changes. My life changed from being a teacher in a Church of England School to embarking in full time ministry from the forests of Wales.


There have been many ups and downs along the way. I have lost touch with many people who I hope to see again one day. New people have appeared in my life and I have been taught new information in the areas of science, history and spirituality. For the rest of the year I aim to create a series of lessons to explain some of the changes I have experienced through my spiritual awakening. I will also be starting a weekly support group for anyone who would like to join. It is difficult sometimes for those around you to innerstand the changes which accompany a spiritual rebirth/awakening and I would now like to use my experience to help others who are going through the same process.


Throughout all these changes please remember that life is an adventure for us all to enjoy. Together we can help build up those around us and start to work together to achieve peace and harmony in the world. If you would like to join our Spiritual Awakening Group please send me an email at and I will send you a zoom link. I look forward to building a community founded on mutual support, love and care.


                                                       Namaste Alayah / Lyndsey.  

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Lesson 3 -

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