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Ancient Geometry and Church Antiquitec Design

Why are churches and cathedrals designed in the way that they are?

Why are these structures not made today?

What types of machinery were used to create these iconic structures?


A mixture of magnetic and non magnetic materials were used in the construction of cathedrals and churches to create a certain frequency or resonance.


Churches and cathedrals built between 1200-1800's have distinct shapes and cymatics patterns, similar to patterns observed in snowflakes, nature and the Fibonacci Sequence.


Singing in high vibrations through hymns and song, clapping and playing musical instruments create energy which can be harnessed. More scientific experiments now need to be implemented to support COP28 and renewable energy initiatives.


Antiquitech: An Ancient highly advanced technology which was lost for an extended period of time. Wikipedia


Old photos provide us with evidence that these monumental structures were once illuminated and used as energy harnessing centers. Inside cathedrals and churches are organs which were used to heal through vibrations and interaction with the cells inside the body. This now leads onto metaphysics and links with the geometrical shapes found on both the interior and exterior of these magnificent structures.

Old Photo of Curch Lit.png

                                      The Holy Tones.


The distinctive tones of the Solfeggio Frequencies contain sacred vibrational signatures of certain sounds ranging from 174 Hertz to 963 Hertz. Using these Holy Tones can highly impact our mental, physical and spiritual health. The ancient Solfeggio Scale is also referred to as Just Intonation  and is known for it's use in the Georgian chants but it's origins date back as far as biblical times. The original six tone scale is now updated with three recently discovered tones and is believed by scientists and musicologists to have a positive effect on the body, mind and spirit. This scale can be used to aid healing in all three areas of our beings. 

© Restoring Eden - A Pilgrimage to Zion 2020


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