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Mission Statement

We wave the White Flag for Parley to pray for an end to all war and to build heaven on ear

Mount Teide, Tenerife

The White Flag for Parley is waved on the mountaintops to pray for the different nations to unite in peace and unity. If we learn to work together in a fair and caring way, then we can quickly build the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth.


Our world is spiraling into a time where many people are without basic needs. Weathers are unpredictable and leaving much devastation. In these times we must learn to love Thy neighbour and care for those we may never meet.


We must end all corporate greed, corruption and slavery and ensure that every man, woman, boy and girl has all they need to thrive and become the best version of themselves God made them to be. The love of money is the root of all evil. Let's use money to bring an end to poverty and peace to every nation.


Let it be so! (2).png

© Restoring Eden - A Pilgrimage to Zion 2020


Please contact us if you would like to learn more about the New Revelations of the Third Era. 

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